Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Breaking Pink "Promises"

Carcinogens and Pinktoberfest...strange, yet profitalbe bedfellows.  ~TC


We’ll keep saying it: less talk, more action

By Karuna Jaggar, Executive Director, Breast Cancer Action

Two days after Breast Cancer Action publicly announced the findings of independent lab testing of Komen’s commissioned perfume Promise Me, we want to thank BCAction members and supporters who have sent almost 1,200 letters to Komen urging them to recall the product.

Instead of directly addressing consumer concerns about the ingredients in the perfume, Komen has responded to our action with more talk; but for all their explanations, they have yet to address any of our concerns.

Komen said they will not recall the product nor will they assure us that they will take the highest standards of precaution when it comes to women’s health. They did, however, talk:
  • about the money the perfume will raise, noting a minimum of $1M to be donated by TPR Holdings;
  • about the burden of responsibility for health safety resting with “intelligent consumers who make informed decisions about the use of products based on evidence;”
  • about how much they care about research and prevention;
  • about their intention to continue selling Promise Me.
Komen’s talk poses more questions than it answers:
  • In highlighting the money raised by the perfume, is Komen suggesting that regardless of any health risks, the ends justify the means?
  • How can consumers make informed decisions about Promise Me when Komen hasn’t publicly disclosed the list of ingredients on the product label?
  • Is Komen really suggesting “buyer beware” by putting the burden on “intelligent consumers” to make “informed decisions”?
  • How can Komen’s Medical and Scientific Affairs team conclude that it is okay to include Toluene in Promise Me when the International Fragrance Association bans its use?
  • The FDA has notorious loopholes in its regulatory policies. In citing FDA guidelines as a resource on the safety of cosmetics and fragrance, is Komen unaware of the work by several national breast cancer organizations, many working in coalition with the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, to close these gaping regulatory holes?
  • If Komen is committed to funding research on causes and prevention of breast cancer, why do they allocate less than 4% of the $1.9 billion (yes, billion) they have raised to these areas?
  • And finally, if Komen cares deeply about women’s health, about the prevention and cause of breast cancer, why won’t they commit to taking every precaution to ensure that the products they sell and endorse are safe by signing the Pledge to Prevent Pinkwashing?
Komen is asking women to trust their good intentions. In essence, Komen is asking us to look at what they say, not at what they do. To which we can only reply: Action speaks louder than pink. Komen talks a good line about “ending breast cancer” and ”funding research on prevention.” Komen has an opportunity to talk less and act more: recall Promise Me and sign the Pledge to Prevent Pinkwashing. It’s that simple.

1 comment:

  1. very interesting blog,nice information.your work is very excellent.
